The first edition of the SLL Lighting Handbook was produced in 2009 to celebrate the centenary of the Society of Light and Lighting. It was well received by our members and the wider international lighting community and so it was decided to create an expanded edition to build on its success.
Where the first edition consisted of twenty-three chapters, this edition has thirty-four, plus four appendices, making it some 50% bigger. The old chapters on light and on vision have been removed, as it was felt they would sit better amongst the fundamentals of lighting covered in the SLL Code for Lighting, which is also being revised.
This new edition has its chapters grouped in three sections. The first covers various design aspects of lighting, the second covers important areas of lighting technology and the third a big section covering specific applications in the field of interior and exterior lighting. With this range it is hoped that the Handbook will guide the reader from initial design decisions, through selection of appropriate technical solutions, and then on to detail design and finally commissioning and handover of a successful lighting scheme.
A Corrigenda was issued in March 2019 making corrections to the following pages:
Contents list page xiii (Chapter 12 title corrected to 'Offices' and page 344, Table 26.5 amended to correctly align with BS EN 13201-2:2015. The Corrigenda itself can be downloaded here. These corrections are incorporated in the pdf that can be downloaded using the button above.
Purchasers of the hard copy will receive this with the book and it will be incorporated in a reprint at the earliest opportunity. The pdf of the Guide downloadable using the button above will be corrected with these changes and clearly identified as such.
CIBSE SLL Lighting Handbook (2018)
Publisher CIBSE
№ of pages 519
Publication Date Nov 2018
ISBN 9781912034413